As a high school student--like most--I wondered what I would do with my life. Why were some people successful and some not?
Since I grew up around Bethune Cookman University, I always saw people going to College, so I knew higher education was possible. I just had to find something at which I was good!
I was good in science, so I majored in Biology and graduated from Meharry Medical College. I attended an HBCU (Historically Black College and University) because I felt I would always get the grade I deserved. The doctor handing me my degree in the photo to the right is Dr. David Satcher who now leads the Satcher Institute of Healthcare Policy at Morehouse School of Medicine.

Our Vision
We want to help eliminate health disparities by motivating low-income, minority elementary to high school students to pursue higher education because studies have shown that people with less education have worse health outcomes.

Our Mission
We will provide educational support to low-income, minority students in the form of school supplies, academic articles to encourage STEM and higher education exploration, and copies of Uncle Julius and the Science Gang.

Education & Health
Did you know that your health status is related to your level of education, according to studies? This graph shows that starting from the left, people with only a high school education have a higher death rate. As one goes from left to right, achieving more education, one's death decreases.